And so it Begins

Well everyone, the day has arrived. It’s 11:30PM on March 22nd and I’m sitting at Ted Stevens International Airport one hour away from boarding the plane to begin my world tour. Bottom line is I’M READY!!! The past few weeks have been and unbelievable mixture of excitement, stress, fun, stress, excitement, and more excitement. Seriously, it’s been exhausting. At no point in my life have I been more excited for something for such a long period of time. Now that I’m 5 hours away from doing it I’m ready to move into the relaxation and experiencing mode of the trip.

Today had some pretty intense realizations of the things to come. I said goodbye to the people that I have grown really close to over the past 7 years living in Alaska and unfortunately there were a few people that I didn’t get the chance to. I have been hit with the fact that tomorrow I’m not going to be able to wake up in a normal bed, stumble into a normal shower and jump in my truck to go pick up coffee at the usual spot. Everyday for the next 12 months is going to be something and somepeople new. And it is freaking awesome!

Below are a few of my babies I had to say goodbye to today. My life. My truck, my snowmachine, and my trailer which contains everything else I own, not currently in Seattle.



So beings that this is really my first blog post of my trip I’m going to let you know a few things you can expect during the coming months. For starters, I’m pretty sure my posts will be short and sweet and more often than not contain more pictures than words. Second, my goal is to post once a week. Third, dont excpect some riveting, edge of your seat, consuming novel from me. Colors and shapes kids, keep it simple. (kind of like #1 but I’m just trying to be clear)


Tomorrow I join up with this beast and head north to the Canadian border for my first of about 35 border crossings! I’ll turn around and spend the night in the Seattle area before I head down the Pacific Coast Highway. And now I’m off to drink a few beers before I get on the plane.



About the author: nochamba